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Breakfast for everyone

“The students know they’re always going to get food and breakfast at school now. So, it’s just kind of like that safety net as well; it just makes sure that everyone’s going to be okay.” Darcy Chiller, Student Support Officer, Fregon Anangu School, SA

Since 2001, we have provided financial and product support to the school breakfast programs, working closely with Foodbank Australia to currently support over 3,300 schools nationally, and with Kickstart for Kids to currently support a further 368 schools in South Australia.


“Of children experiencing food insecurity, breakfast is the meal they are most likely to not get, but it’s the meal they need most. When children continuously don’t get a nutritious breakfast of wholegrains, milk and some fruit, they miss out on many key nutrients they need to be healthy. This includes carbohydrates, protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are essential for physical growth, intellectual development, and mental performance. When you see these negative effects of not having enough nutritious food to eat, and then imagine trying to put a child in a classroom to learn, you can immediately understand how these kids can fall behind at school - dramatically limiting their potential.” Trish Guy, dietitian, Sanitarium Health Food Company.

One in four Aussie kids experience food insecurity

In the early hours of the morning, before most Aussies have woken up, there are dedicated organisations and volunteers, tackling an epidemic of hungry school children, hiding in plain sight. Children who are simply skipping meals as they do not have access to enough food at home.

According to Foodbank research, parents report that when hungry, their children:

  • Become 22% more agitated and irritable
  • Have 24% more outbursts and tantrums
  • Are 17% more likely to act up at school
  • Are 16% more likely to lose concentration at school, and
  • Are 17% more likely to sleep less

That’s why we continue to support School Breakfast Programs to provide a nutritious breakfast in a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment before classes start.