Caring during COVID-19

It’s tough right now for so many people in our communities. It’s heart-breaking to know in ‘the lucky country’ food security is the crisis on top of the crisis.

It’s why we are incredibly thankful for our food relief partners, the many frontline charities and the thousands of people who are making a difference in our communities. We are here to support them and they inspire us to do all we can to help.

Our manufacturing and supply teams are doing an outstanding job of keeping up with demand and it means a lot to them to know that their hard work means we now have capacity to donate products to those in need. Where they can, our staff are volunteering in communities to help distribute healthy food. This is what connects us to our community and it brings us together during this time.

As we work to support Australians through this crisis, we’ll share some of the stories with you here. It's a privilege to share the food we make to others on your behalf.  Thank you for your support.  We’re making a difference together.

Sadly, food supply isn’t the only issue facing Australia’s food relief agencies. Many food pantries rely on volunteers to keep them going. This workforce, largely staffed by older Australians who need to take extra precautions to stay healthy, has disappeared overnight. Keeping these pantries operational will be a huge challenge. If you can volunteer or provide a cash donation, please visit

In the meantime, eat well, keep active, sleep soundly and stay socially connected. You keep your spirits up, and we’ll keep the healthy food coming.

To donate to Foodbank or find out more about volunteering visit:

To find out about other COVID-19 volunteering needs visit: