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Spicy Ribbon Dogs

Serves: 6
Prep: 10
Cook: 10


    • 1 pack Vegie Delights™ Vegie Sausages
    • 6 Hot Dog Rolls, sliced
    • 2 small zucchinis
    • 2 tbs olive oil
    • 1 clove garlic, crushed
    • 1 tbs fresh coriander leaves, chopped
    • ½ fresh chilli, chopped


    1. Slice zucchini into long ribbons using a mandoline slicer or vegetable peeler.
    2. Heat oil in a frypan over medium-high heat. Add garlic and zucchini and toss through until zucchini is slightly soft (4-5 minutes). Add coriander and chilli, then season with black pepper to taste.
    3. Preheat another frypan or BBQ grill to medium heat and add olive oil. Cook Vegie Sausages for 4-5 minutes.
    4. Add hot dog rolls to the grill, cook for approx. 60 seconds or until warmed and crisp with light grill lines.
    5. To serve, top each hot dog roll with zucchini ribbons and a Vegie Sausage. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve with your favourite hot dog sauces.


    Grill zucchini ribbons on a heated BBQ grill before tossing with the garlic and herbs to develop grill lines.  

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