Family fitspo – super ideas to get your family up and moving
Finding enough time to exercise amongst the chaos of family life can be tricky, but just because you can’t make it to the gym doesn’t mean you have to miss a work-out.
Try adding some incidental fitness into family time. Exercising as a family can be fun, cost effective and easier than you might think. It will help you add more movement into your week, up those steps on the Fitbit and get the kids moving too: win-win!
In fact, the University of Cambridge found that kids were 10% more likely to work out if their parents were active. With more than 1 in 4 Aussie kids now classed as overweight or obese, any chance to pick up a jump rope rather than a remote is a positive swap.
If your kids would rather get active with their mates, the government is looking to incentivise more movement. NSW, QLD and WA parents can take advantage of a rebate to help cover costs for extra-curricular activities.
Using a combination of smart and engaging digital technology, Weet-Bix Active Bands allows parents, teachers, and coaches to create, record and track physical activity easily and flexibly.
Learn more and register for your child’s free Weet-Bix Active Band at www.weetbixactivebands.com.au
Try adding some incidental fitness into family time. Exercising as a family can be fun, cost effective and easier than you might think. It will help you add more movement into your week, up those steps on the Fitbit and get the kids moving too: win-win!
In fact, the University of Cambridge found that kids were 10% more likely to work out if their parents were active. With more than 1 in 4 Aussie kids now classed as overweight or obese, any chance to pick up a jump rope rather than a remote is a positive swap.
Why not try some (or all!) of these 6 fun ideas to get the whole family up and moving:
Turn TV into reality
Shows like Ninja Warrior burst onto our screens inspiring kids (and the big kids too) with the fun mix of athleticism, strength and grit. Rather than yelling at the TV, why not encourage the family to try a Ninja Warrior challenge in your backyard or at the local park? Ask each of your little Ninja’s to come up with an exercise or obstacle (a see-saw makes a great balancing beam!) and create a circuit that everyone can have a go at. If you’re a competitive bunch, grab a stopwatch and cheer on personal best times.If your kids would rather get active with their mates, the government is looking to incentivise more movement. NSW, QLD and WA parents can take advantage of a rebate to help cover costs for extra-curricular activities.
After dinner delight
Make the most of balmy summer evenings and take a walk around the block after your dinner, rather than flopping on the couch to watch TV. Your waistline will be thankful for the extra steps and it’s a great time to relax and chat as a family. The kids will love exploring their world at dusk and you can even encourage them to spot nocturnal animals. Being mini Dr Dolittles can add to the fun and make it a game.In it to win it
As competitive creatures, nothing will encourage exercise more than a challenge. A step counter and simple track chart will get everyone moving and the little ones will love it if daily milestones come with a special reward. They’ll also get a kick out of seeing their name alongside mum and dad’s.Screen power
Love them or loathe them, screens are a part of our daily lives, so why not use them to get the kids up and moving. YouTube is a hot spot for healthy tutorials (from yoga guides to dance routines), gaming consoles now feature body motion tracking technology and wearable tech can connect right to your smartphone. If your kids are moaning to stay on their screens, make them work-out for it. It may be hard to resist joining in too.Doing the school shuffle
Sounds simple, but starting the day with a stroll will put the whole family in a happy mood. If you’re lucky enough to live within walking distance of your child’s school it’s an easy habit to master, but if you’re a little further out, consider parking a block away and taking an extra 10 minutes to walk away the morning stress. Extra points for hopping or skipping!Play hard, train hard
Getting children more physically active can be a big challenge. To help, Weet-Bix have created Weet-Bix™ Active Bands. Specifically designed for children aged 5 to 12 years, Weet-Bix Active Bands combines a super-cool wrist band with an interactive app, that offers heaps of activities and challenges to make exercise fun. Best of all the program is FREE!Using a combination of smart and engaging digital technology, Weet-Bix Active Bands allows parents, teachers, and coaches to create, record and track physical activity easily and flexibly.
Learn more and register for your child’s free Weet-Bix Active Band at www.weetbixactivebands.com.au

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